Spring and early summer have already flown by. Our new baby, Ethan Thomas, is now 10 weeks old, and is such a joy. Early in the morning, I take him along with me for my daily garden inspection. With some help from some friends, a modest garden was planted this year.
The closer backdoor garden is doing really well with 4 types of lettuce, chard, bok choy, yellow zucchini, watermelon, tomato, tatsoi, and cucumber. I didn't have to plant any flowers this year, the nasturtium popped up all over by themselves.
In the back garden, I planted lima, blue jay, yellow wax, purple-podded, and pole beans. The peas went in a little late but are still doing well. Intermingled with the beans are a few carrots, basil, and a mess of transplanted green onions. I am experimenting with a row of organic potatoes this year as well.
In late June, we had to say goodbye to our beloved Merlin (picture is below), who passed away June 24th. With a heavy heart we planted his body beside the strawberry patch and transplanted a giant sunflower on his grave. His earthly essence will become energy for the birds and squirrels.
Right now, with the lack of rain and no water from the rain barrel, I'm glad I mulched with straw. I did cheat a little this year though. With a lack of infinate time to spend in the garden, I used a weeper hose in the back garden. I hooked up the hose and I can deliver water directly to the plant's roots. I also managed to dig up another small patch on the front lawn, and transplanted sage, peonies and hollyhocks. Next spring I will dig up the space between the flower island and the new patch to make one bigger area for herbs and flowers.
I did receive 4 orders for seeds from members of Seeds of Diversity Canada this spring, and was glad to send my saved seeds to fellow Canadian gardeners. Hope they're doing well.
I have recently bought 2 new gardening books: Vertical growing & Seed to Seed. Lastly, this year I plan to buy a pressure canner so I can bottle a few more foods, including peaches, corn, peas and carrots, and some soups. I'll keep you filled in on my research for a good pressure canner and an outdoor burner. I can't use a pressure canner on our stove because it is a glass top stove......
Here are some nice pictures of Ethan.....