Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Garden put to bed....haha

Another season has passed. Everything is drying out, even the tough oregano. The sunflowers are still tempting the juncos who are hanging around, eating the leftover catnip seeds. I've saved all the morning glory seeds and ripped down the vines to compost in the garden. I've stored all the cedar posts in the shed to keep them dry for the spring, and cleaned all my tools.
The exciting news is that I've registered to be a seed seller at this year's Brescia's: The Circle, More Than Just A Book Sale. I've packaged up over 100 packs of seed and hopefully, I will make a little money. I would like to convert two large squares of my front yard into flower garden in the spring, and this would need some borders and a load of topsoil. By reducing the area I need to cut, is welcome news. And I really think nasturiums and marigolds are more beautiful than just grass.
Wish me luck at the sale!